Strategy & Oversight working group – popup

The Strategy & Oversight working group oversees the development of the CitiMeasure instruments and implementation of the pilots, provides advice on development of the CitiMeasure Knowledge Centre, and contributes to the overall implementation of CitiMeasure by...

Behaviour & Policy WG – popup

The Behaviour and Policy working group will develop a basic set of guidelines and key principles towards increased understanding of the changes in behaviour of different stakeholder groups, as well as decision and policy making processes.  This working group has five...

Digital Inclusion WG – popup

 The Digital Inclusion working group aims to develop a basic set of guidelines that will unpack competencies required by citizens to participate in citizen science initiatives, as well as those of policy makers, decision makers and municipal employees to engage...

Comparability WG – Popup

The Comparability working group aims to develop a basic set of guidelines that informs citizens and city officials on which air quality sensors to use to ensure the comparability of data with other citizen science initiatives, as well as with official observations....


The project has three main phases: Instrument development (September 2021 – May 2022) Piloting (May 2022 – December 2022) Consolidation (December 2022 – May...