First NameMargarida
Last NameSardo
What is the name of your organization?UWE Bristol
What best describes the type of organisation that you are representing?University and/or research institute
Where are you based?Coldharbour Lane, Bristol, BS16 1QY, GB
What is the name of your initiative?WeCount
How would you describe the main mission of your initiative?Measure/monitor air quality, Raise awareness/education
Please provide a short description of your initiative (What is being done? Who is participating? What are your main goals?) This text will appear on the main page.WeCount was a Horizon 2020 project which aimed at quantifying local road transport, produce scientific knowledge in the field of mobility and environmental pollution and co- design informed solutions for several road transport challenges. Uniquely, this citizen science project empowered citizens to take a leading role in the production of data, evidence and knowledge around mobility in their local areas. Five case studies across Europe were involved
Who is your main audience?Citizens
If possible, provide the list of partners involved in the initiative.University of the West of England, Bristol, UK
University of Dublin, Ireland
University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Ideas for Change, Spain
TML, Belgium
Mobiel 21, Belgium
POLIS, Belgium
How is this initiative funded?Fully funded European project
Please provide an estimation of the total budget of the initiative (in €):1 million – 5 million
What is the duration of the initiative?1 to 5 years
How many participants (citizen scientists, volunteers, etc.) have been involved (approximately)?500 – 1000
Website that presents your initiative
Please share any other relevant/interesting links about your initiative:
Are you using a platform for data visualisation?Yes, we use the platform provided by the equipment manufacturer
Add the public URL (if any)
Is your platform open source?Yes
From 0 (the lowest) to 5 (the highest), how easily accessible and user-friendly is your platform?4