First NameAileen
Last NameBright
What is the name of your organization?GLOBE Programme, Environmental Education Unit, An Taisce
What best describes the type of organisation that you are representing?Non-Governmental Organisation
Where are you based?5A Swift’s Alley, Dublin, D08TN88, IE
What is the name of your initiative?GLOBE Ireland Air Quality Campaign
How would you describe the main mission of your initiative?Measure/monitor air quality, Smart/sustainable mobility, Raise awareness/education
Please provide a short description of your initiative (What is being done? Who is participating? What are your main goals?) This text will appear on the main page.The GLOBE Ireland Air Quality Campaign is a school-based citizen-science project to assess traffic-related (nitrogen dioxide) air pollution outdoors at schools in Ireland. This is an educational project designed to raise awareness about air pollution, showcase the potential of citizen science to gather unique datasets and insights into our environment and promote behavior change.
Who is your main audience?Schools
If possible, provide the list of partners involved in the initiative.The campaign is coordinated by GLOBE Ireland, as part of The Environmental Education Unit (EEU) of An Taisce and is sponsored by the Irish Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). GLOBE Ireland is part of The GLOBE Program ( which is an international science and education program, sponsored by NASA.
How is this initiative funded?Other
Context – OtherFunded by the Environmental Protection Agency in Ireland
Please provide an estimation of the total budget of the initiative (in €):5 000 – 50 000
What is the duration of the initiative?1 to 6 month
How many participants (citizen scientists, volunteers, etc.) have been involved (approximately)?1000 – 5000
Website that presents your initiative
Please upload a picture to illustrate your initiative
Are you using a platform for data visualisation?Yes, we connect to an information data viewer provided by a third party (GIS, digital twin, …)
Add the public URL (if any)
What type of data visualisation do you provide?Statistics / Indicators / Charts, Maps