Jul 26, 2022

DIAMS – Digital Alliance for Marseille Sustainability

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First NameLise


Email lise.couturier@ampmetropole.fr

What is the name of your organization?AtmoSud

What best describes the type of organisation that you are representing?Other

Type of organization – OtherAssociation (financed by public authorities)

Where are you based?Le Noilly Paradis 146 rue Paradis, Marseille, Provence 13006, FR

Name of the equipment
NextPM: airDIAMS sensor (
The number of these devices used in your initiative (estimation):
  • Commercial product


Measured parameter (you can select several)
  • PM1
  • PM2.5
  • PM10
  • Temperature
  • Humidity


PM1 – Unit
Pcs/L µg/m³
PM1 – Technology
PM1 – Range of measurement
0.1 µg/m³ (resolution)
PM1 – Service life
10 000 hours without maintenance
PM1 – Detection limit
PM2.5 – Unit
Pcs/L µg/m³
PM2.5 – Technology
PM2.5 – Range of measurement
0.1 µg/m³ (resolution)
PM2.5 – Service life
10 000 hours without maintenance
PM2.5 – Detection limit
PM10 – Unit
Pcs/L µg/m³
PM10 – Technology
PM10 – Range of measurement
0.1 µg/m³ (resolution)
PM10 – Service life
10 000 hours without maintenance
PM10 – Detection limit
Temperature – Unit
Humidity – Unit
Communication type
  • 2G-3G
  • Bluetooth


Energy type
  • Battery


Temporal resolution
Temporal resolution – Other
5 seconds
Where are you measuring air quality?
Device’s location
  • Mixed


Level of expertise required to operate
Simple if you take the time to read the documentation
What is the approximate market price per unit?
250 €/unit (±20%)
Are there any maintenance costs? If possible, provide a figure
(we don’t know yet, but if there is an updated operating system (iOS, Android : new iOS version, new privacy policy,.. you need a developer between 0.5 and 3 days).

What is the name of your initiative?DIAMS – Digital Alliance for Marseille Sustainability

How would you describe the main mission of your initiative?Measure/monitor air quality, Measure personal exposure, Raise awareness/education, Air quality modelling

Please provide a short description of your initiative (What is being done? Who is participating? What are your main goals?) This text will appear on the main page.The DIAMS project has 4 main objectives reflecting the five senses of human brain:
– Perception: To improve air quality information and produce high quality, detailed data
– Balance: To promote a fluid transmission of territorial data and air quality data between urban, regional and national platforms and ensure their consistency.
– Creation: To stimulate creativity and harnessing the expertise of citizens and the private sector to co-develop and implement innovative solutions to improve air quality.
-Movement: To provide personalized and adaptable information to citizens and policy makers to encourage their awareness and engagement.
In concrete terms, the DIAMS project consists in deploying a platform for the exchange of data on air quality and digital services that allows everyone (political decision-makers, experts, citizens, civil society, economic actors, for example) to commit themselves to developing coordinated action plans at all territorial levels (individual, hyper local, urban, regional, national and supranational).

Who is your main audience?Citizen, Schools, Non- Governmental Organisations, Cities, Other government administrations, Private sector

How is this initiative funded?Partially funded European project

Please provide an estimation of the total budget of the initiative (in €):More than 1 000 000€

What is the duration of the initiative?1 to 5 years

How many participants (citizen scientists, volunteers, etc.) have been involved (approximately)?1000 – 5000

Website that presents your initiativehttps://www.airdiams.eu

Please upload a picture to illustrate your initiativehttps://integratingcities.eu/go-living-in/wp-content/uploads/sites/7/gravity_forms/1-5354894cf3cf050d1ea2e13c24ed0dad/2022/07/Picture2.png

Are you using a platform for data visualisation?Yes, we use the platform provided by the equipment manufacturer

Add the public URL (if any)airdiams.eu

Is your platform open source?Yes

What are the estimated costs related to the data platform (subscription if any, development costs…)What are the related costs (subscription if any, development costs…) : Equipement Application mobile for sensor (airDIAMS) 90 000 € Sensor Platform 130 000 € Website 20 000 € External expertise and Services Server Access 7 600 € /year Application mobile – (Apple Store – Android Store) 1 800 € Visualization tool (developed funtionnalities and/or subscription) 35 000 € Digital Twins 20 000 €/city Server access rental 300 €/year Virtual Machine – Hosting 8 800 €/year Staff cost 175 000€

Are you providing open data?Yes

How is the data made accessible?Export (csv, geojson..), API

If any, what qualitative or quantitative indicators (e.g., AQI, alerts…) are you calculating?Number of Users Number of measure public Statistic : Max, Min, Average, Standard deviation

How frequently is the data refreshed in the data platform?Between citizen sensor and app mobile : 5 sec

How long does it take before the newest data is available on your platform?Between app mobile and data lake and visualization too : 15 min

Do you give access to historical data?Yes

If possible, please share a link to your data privacy policy:We have analysed our tools with a technical specialist, and we consulted the CNIL (National Commission for Information Technology and Civil Liberties). We have a DPO for GDPR.

What type of data visualisation do you provide?Statistics / Indicators / Charts, Maps, Report

Would you like to share with us any additional information? (Max 300 words)• Benchmark existing tools (µsensor, app mobile, visualizing tool, numerical architecture)
• Use existing tools and modify them to respond to the problems and needs identified : “Do not reinvent the wheel”
• Identify the needs with the local actors (you need to be accompanied by animation experts)
• Take account cost due to: controling quality by air expert, analyzing data (150€/unit), Machine learning (50 000€), personalizing assistance (call center – 10 000€ for 2000 citizen sensor), Logistic for the citizen sensors distribution (70€/unit)
• Be prepared to rewrite and update the digital architecture (consult with expert developers)
• Be trained by those who have made the tools (via a remunerated service)
• Take account the maintenance due to issue of updated operating system (iOS, Android…)
• Create new functionalities and realized the needs by trusted expert (developer).
• Integrate machine learning to filter and correct the data
• Work on the governance of partners and providers with a good animation. Identify trusted collaborators. Be present in the field. Identify the right vectors: schools, field agents, federations of associations, town hall manager. These actors must be the driving force.
• Work on the governance of data and on the licenses of common goods.
• …
We will write DIAMS feedback in sept. 2022.

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List of parameters measured: NO2

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